Admission News

How to do an Athletic Recruiting Video for your College Applications

Written by CB Experts

A recruiting or highlight video can help get a college coach’s attention. This in turn can help you get a college admission and even an athletic scholarship. But, a poor video can also take a shot right into the trash barrel.

Here is some advice about making a good recruiting video:

• Coaches watch hundreds of videos. Your best shot at standing out among all those videos is to get the coach’s attention in the first 15 seconds. For this reason, although you will include a compilation of your plays, you want to put your best plays right up front.

• Make sure you have featured YOU. Videos are not always of the best quality so you want to make sure the coach sees you. You should freeze frame yourself before each play or use shadow spots so the coach can follow you among other players easily.

• Make sure also that you include your identifying and contact information. In the first frame of your video, show your team colors and jersey number. Include your sports measurements such as weight and height. Your personal contact information (phone and email) along with your present coaches’ contact info should be include here, too.

• The video should not be more than 7 minutes long. If the coach wants to see more, he/she will request it.

• Don’t send videos or attach them to your email to the college coach. They will get filtered out. It is better to write a cover letter to the coach, via email, and include a link to your video.

• Videos can be shared easily by uploading them to a video hosting site like YouTube. On such a site you can include other information a coach might want to see. One is a full-length game. You might also put together a video of plays over all the years in high school you have played and plays from travel teams or club teams. Always include your contact information again.

• Never mass mail coaches at different colleges. Create a cover letter for each coach. The cover letter should have a salutation using the coach’s name. It should also reference any recent game activity the coach has had with a congratulations or a mention of seeing the game. In this email you should highlight any specific talents or accomplishment you have: high grades, special training, awards. Write so you stand out and you make a good first impression.

About the author

CB Experts

Content created by retired College Admissions consultants.