Applying to College The Application

Who’s Applying to College with You?

Written by CB Experts

Did you know how many potential college applicants do research into college before their junior year? Seventy-one percent (71%).

  • Thirteen percent (13%) begin their research starting in the eighth grades or earlier!
  • Most applicants make out 5.8 applications to colleges.
  • Most applicants feel the campus visit is the best source of information for them. That’s followed by college web sites and then by personal recommendations.
  • Although dorms and student centers are important, applicants are most interested in internship programs and the college’s reputation in their intended major to help them make a choice.


These figures should make you stop and think about how serious appying to college can be.  Are you maing your best effort to make your college cppplication competitve so you cabn gain admission tot he college of your choice?

Based on figures from the Eduventure Report.

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CB Experts

Content created by retired College Admissions consultants.