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3 Qualities to Look for in Your Post-Grad Employer

3 qualities to look for in a post-graduate employer
Written by CB Community

Finding the right company to work for after finishing college is not always the easiest task to accomplish. Whether you are a post-grad in music, education or looking for a job in the insert molding industry, it can be tough to discover an employer who is a good fit in your respective field. If you need some direction in finding the right options for you, there are many digital tools and resources on the internet to do background checks on numerous businesses in your state. This type of information can be very useful and save you lots of time and energy. Once you’ve discovered some viable candidates, it’s time pay attention to particular qualities that many good employers have and look for them when applying for a position within their organization.

As an example, let’s say you decide to apply for a job at an equipment distributor. On the surface, they may seem like the perfect employer, but you’ll never really know until you work there.  It’s important to actively look for specific qualities that all great employers have ahead of time. To help you navigate these uncertain waters, we’ll share some important employer qualities with you below.

1. Employee Communication

It’s important that a company keeps everyone posted about important aspects of performance, goals, and company culture. Without this valuable feedback, it will be difficult to excel in your new position, so be certain to speak to your interviewer about interoffice communication and how their system works in those regards. For example, let’s say a potential employer sets specific performance goals for each one of the postgrads that they hire. Are they going to provide regular feedback about your performance and communicate with you on a consistent basis? Or, will they wait until it’s time for your quarterly review and then drop a bomb on you unexpectedly? Generally speaking, you’re going to be much better off with an employer who is willing to keep you apprised of your performance on a consistent basis. When you find a business who communicates with their employees, chances are, you’re in the midst of a successful company as you enter your new career.

2. Employee Flexibility

Some employers get very upset when employees call in sick at the very last minute. However, the reality is that we all get sick seemingly out of nowhere from time to time, and this may very well happen to you on occasion. If the employer is going to reprimand you every time you call in sick, you might need to evaluate if you are prepared to work in that type of environment. Every manager’s style is different, and if you feel that a mangers particular style it’s going to make for a hostile and/or unwelcoming work environment, you must ask yourself if this is the right move long term.  If you feel that you would work more efficiently in a more flexible environment, then perhaps an employer who focuses on flexibility in the workplace is a better fit. You might be much better off if your boss is willing to let you leave early on occasion to do some postgraduate tutoring or let you call in sick at the last moment without giving you any problems. Some businesses even offer a work from home option if it’s applicable to your position. While not every company practices this type of flexibility, this might be something that is the difference between ultimately making the final choice between a couple of different jobs.  If this appeals to you, do your homework and search for job postings where flexibility is clearly stated as part of the business culture.

3. Dedicated to Success and Culture

Does the employer seem dedicated to the success of their company? If not, it might be time to reevaluate the long-term impact of working for that company. If management seems unenthused about the success of the company, what would that mean for the rest of the employees? Company culture starts from the top down, and the last thing you would want is to end up in a dead-end job that ultimately goes nowhere. Or worse, end up working for a company that closes down abruptly.

When it’s time to get out there to find a post-graduate job, a little guidance never hurts. Hopefully, these tips and tools will help you find a great match for employment that suits your needs and goals. For more useful college tips check out the other blogs on College Basics.

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CB Community

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