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Tips for Acing the ACCUPLACER Math Test

Written by CB Community

Administered by the College Board – the same entity that administers the SATs and CLEPs – the ACCUPLACER is a standardized assessment examination that gauges a student’s readiness for tertiary education.

Here, we talk about how students can get the best possible results when taking the ACCUPLACER Math Test:

One to Two Weeks Before the Exam

1. As much as possible, review the fundamental concepts of arithmetic and algebra without a calculator.

The problem with the way math is taught these days is that many students have become too dependent on calculators and other devices to solve mathematical problems.

Solving equations and formulas without these devices may be more difficult, but it helps in the long run as it hones one’s skills in logic and analysis.

Also, it helps to have a solid grounding in the 3Fs: factoring, fractions, and functions. For those seeking to place highly in the exam, reviewing trigonometry is a great help.

2. Do a self-assessment by taking practice exams online.

Many websites offer practice tests, which can help students gauge their abilities and calibrate their preparation.

You can also check out the official ACCUPLACER website for a practice test that simulates the actual exam.

3. Consider an online tutorial or prep book to boost your confidence and abilities.

If you feel anxious about their mathematics abilities, you should look up online tutorials, study guides and books, and remedial resources in high school or college preparatory math.

Not only will these serve as review points, but they can also boost your confidence when the exam date rolls around.

One Day Before the Exam

Preparations for the day before the exam focus on self-care more than anything else, working on the principle of a sound and well-trained mind in a healthy and well-rested body.

Get a good night’s sleep before the exam.

Allow your mind and body to get ample rest before you take that test. Coming into the exam room feeling muzzy and lightheaded from a lack of sleep will do you no favors.

Seven to nine hours of restful sleep helps get you to a fresh start.

Keep yourself nourished.

Well-balanced meals and a reduced intake of sweets, alcohol, and stimulants will do more for an examinee than copious amounts of coffee and energy drinks.

Practice positive self-talk.

Boost yourself with mental affirmations; be sure to think of positive outcomes instead of worrying incessantly about possible negative results.

Do not cram the night before the exam.

Cramming is counter-productive. Forcing your already over-taxed mind to accept more information in a very short time will actually make you forget more than you can remember.

On the Day of the Exam

A few important reminders:

  • Take your time; there is no time limit, so be sure to read and understand the questions before answering.
  • Make educated guesses: you cannot skip questions to return to them later on as this is a progressive exam. Answer the items to the best of your ability.
  • Know that this is an adaptive test: the next questions are all based on your previous answers.

Final Thought

Preparation is your best course of action when it comes to preparing for the ACCUPLACER math test.

Make sure you study your material, get a good night’s rest and take your time while writing the exam.

These tips should help you ace your ACCUPLACER math test with ease!

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CB Community

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