Admission News

Advice for College Students

Written by CB Experts

Going to college may seem like your obligation is only to go to class and have some fun. Actually, college is both a privilege and an opportunity. Many college students do not see that what they get out of college is mostly up to them. Here is some good advice for college students who want to make the most of their four years on campus.

Get a mentor. Mentors can come in many forms. Of course, it may be a professor whom you hit it off with. It may also be an upperclassman/woman, a dean, a graduate student. These people can help guide you through the campus red tape, recommend classes, introduce you to people who might give you a leg up in your career. A mentor could also be there to listen, help review your work, and refer you to others who could help you be a better student and person.

Leave your comfort zone! Try new things. When will you have a better chance? Think about a new subject area to take a class in, join a new club or sport, try studying abroad, take a trip with friends. All these things are short, no longer than a semester, and may just help you find new interests and friends that could last for life.

Act the part of a good student. Always be on time to class. Being on time shows interest and industry. Also, you will not have an attendance problem, stand out as irresponsible, nor miss important information. Also visit your professors during their office hours. You can ask questions, get advice for studying, and find extra help. It also helps you connect with your professors for later recommendations.

Take care of yourself. College students tend to put on 10 to 20 pounds. Why? They do not eat well. Think about your diet. That does not mean you need to eat less but that you need to eat healthy and whole food. Sleep is also very important to avoid study fatigue and sicknesses that can keep you out of classes. Finally, daily exercise is good both for your body and your mind. Daily exercise also helps you establish habits that will see you through the rest of your life.

Learn from you mistakes. Everyone makes mistakes, especially when they are in new situations or experience pressure, both of which can happen in college. Don’t beat yourself up or linger in feeling embarrassed. Think of any mistake as a way to try it again differently or to ask for advice. You may learn more making a mistake than doing it right by keeping your head down.

Dress up. This does not mean your need a professional wardrobe, but do avoid pulling on whatever when your roll out of bed for class or go out to events. Wear clothes that fit and are neat and clean. Try to establish your own style. Learning how to look good easily will boost your sense of self and is excellent practice for a professional life after college.

Students need to realize they are active participants in their own college education. College is a springboard to life. Make sure your stand tall and well on the diving board.

About the author

CB Experts

Content created by retired College Admissions consultants.