Admission News

College Interview Mistakes

Written by CB Experts

College admission interviews usually are the icing on the cake, allowing you to make a good impression and a personal connection to a college, improving your chances of admission. An interview can also harm an otherwise terrific application because of a poor impression.

Here is some advice for avoiding interview mistakes.

The Basics
• Be on time.
• Have a firm handshake.
• Make direct eye contact and focus on the interview.
• Make sure your phone is off and out of sight.
• Thank the interviewer for his/her time, up front.

Show Independence and Maturity
• Go alone if possible, and either way, do not have your parents with you at the interview.
• Dress so you might appear older; don’t dress informally.
Engage the interviewer. Don’t just answer the questions. Make comments, ask questions, and elaborate your answers.

Selling Yourself
• Be confident.
• Don’t talk too much about yourself or offer long lists of your accomplishments.
• Let the interviewer ask you about your resume, and, at that time, elaborate your answers, enthusiastically.

Research the College
• Know about the programs and extracurriculars offered.
• Know clearly what you like about the college and how it connects to you.
• Have specific questions about this college, questions that don’t apply to all colleges.

Make sure your interview goes well and gives you that extra plus for admission to the college of your choice.

About the author

CB Experts

Content created by retired College Admissions consultants.