Admission News

Emotional Well-being Important for a Transition into College

Written by CB Experts

What is emotional readiness for college? Emotional readiness is indicated by several qualities including the ability to form new relationships, flexibility to adapt to new situations, and handling negative emotions in a positive way.

More and more new college students experience loneness, depression, or anxiety. Such negative emotional health can lead to dislike of their college or poor grades—not good for those spending money to successfully earn a college degree. Female students, students whose parents did not graduate from college, and African-American students are the most often not emotionally ready for college.

Emotional vulnerability can be caused by poor academic preparation and also by being too stressed academically and socially in order to gain college admission in today’s competitive admission process, lack of confidence caused by the first and the second a result of burnout.

More colleges are now developing resources to help students with their transition onto their campuses. Mental health professionals, pamphlets, and student talk groups led by a mentor are being utilized to make sure students can share feelings and understand they are not alone feeling lonely and anxious and depressed.

Studies also indicate high schools and parents need to develop more opportunities for discussion around emotional health. Talking about natural fears that arise from leaving home to attend college should be explored along with discussing money issues, how to make friends, and dealing with more independence. Academic readiness and confidence should also be explored.

Emphasis on academics is, of course, most important for both high schools and colleges, but studies are now showing that emotional well-being impacts academic success.

We at College Basics advise first-year college students who are feeling apart and lonely from their surroundings on campus ask for help from their dean of students or from a faculty person or make an appointment at their campus’ counseling center.

There is help, and there are others who need some help, too.

About the author

CB Experts

Content created by retired College Admissions consultants.