Admission News

Job Advice for Recent College Graduates

Written by CB Experts

Job hunting is as competitive as getting into college. Here we go again! With a few job hunting tips, recent graduates might find job hunting and application less daunting. Here are three tips we think are important.

Know the company/employer you are making application to.
This is an area most job seekers pay too little attention to. You need to research and prepare for any job! Know some history about the company or the business. Know about the business’ challenges and also the business’ strengths. Try to learn what the priorities of the company may be. Speak like a member of the company. If you are familiar enough with the employer’s priorities, challenges, and strengths, you might be able to explain what you can do in each of these areas.

Understand your skills and their value.
You may not have certifiable skills or recent experience for the job you are applying to, but you do have skills and experience. Make sure you can clearly show how the skills you do have translate to the job you are applying to. Teachers have sales and interpersonal skills; academics learn quickly despite not always having hands-on skills. Business people have organizational and supervisory skills. Also consider your personal skills. You may be the right fit for the company because you are eager, circumspect, a good speaker, or friendly.

You can set yourself apart if you have connections with the company or the employer. Think hard about people you may know who have connections to the job you are applying to. Perhaps you know someone in the industry or someone who has expertise in the job skills needed. You might even know someone who knows the employer or the interviewer. You become a more serious candidate with an endorsement, personal or professional.

Never think you are not quantified for a job. Think positively. If you know the company, understand how you skills can be valuable, and have a common connection to the job, you have a good start developing a successful career.

About the author

CB Experts

Content created by retired College Admissions consultants.