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5 Tips on How to Make a Long-Distance Relationship Work in College

boy friend and girl friend walking arm in arm in graduation gowns
Written by CB Community

College years are fun, but for many people, it might not be that fun when they’re dating someone who’s miles apart from them. Or is it? Can you stay together while being physically apart? The answer is YES, absolutely, but you have to do the work every single day. In this post, we’ve gathered some of the most useful tips to help you survive long-distance relationships in college. Let’s dive in!

Be open and honest

There is no doubt that long-distance relationships are hard, especially while in college. If you want to make it work, make sure you are honest with your significant other. Maybe somebody invited you to a party and you know it might upset your partner. Don’t lie to them saying you’re going to bed early. It’s better to discuss the problem openly and address the reason why they are feeling this way.

You should never hide things from each other. You’ll never want to accidentally pop up in someone’s Insta Stories after you told a lie to the love of your life (ouch!). That is not a good way for your significant other to find out. It’s important to share your true feelings and intentions because trust is the basis of every successful relationship. Remember that fighting is ok as long as it’s constructive and actually resolves a conflict. If you are not ready to deal with these difficult times and rough patches; sorry to say, but you could very well be heading for a college break up if you are not careful.

Talk about future plans

Do you know what makes it easier to handle long-distance when in college? Planning the future together! Just think about it. Once this whole thing is over, you’re could be moving in together, or planning a trip. You’ll spend the best evenings in your small and cozy apartment, you’ll wake up in each other’s arms every single day. And then you’ll get a little fluffy golden retriever pup who’ll go crazy every time each of you comes back home. Sounds amazing right?

This relationship game isn’t worth playing if you don’t see your distant future together, and talking about each other’s vision of the future life is a great way to figure out whether you’re good together or not.

Keep the romance alive

You don’t have to be physically present to make romantic surprises for one another. A friend of mine once surprised his girlfriend with flower delivery while being more than 1000 miles away (literally). And all he had to do were a few clicks online. Those nice little things make your significant other feel loved, and that’s what we all miss when it comes to long-distance relationships, whether in college or not. Be creative and prepare in advance. If you see a holiday coming, google some ideas for Valentines day or Birthday surprises. The internet is loaded with plenty of websites that have great ideas.

Getting the most of video chat

Studies on the long-distance vs proximal romantic relationships show that there is no difference in overall satisfaction between the couples who are physically together or apart. That’s because the technology helps them maintain a close connection anyway. So, yeah, it goes to prove that distance doesn’t matter if you two are really committed.

Don’t ignore video chat! It’s great for so many things. You can have breakfasts together, facetime each other to show something interesting you’re seeing. It’s more than just “how was your day” conversation but rather a shared experience. And there’s much more to video calls that this if you’re 18+ (if you know what I mean). Just make sure your roommates aren’t around. That’s college relationships advice you might want to use.

Take advantage of opportunities for personal growths

Do you want to know how to make a long-distance relationship work in college? Or any relationships anywhere? Don’t obsess over your partner. Stop stalking them, stop asking where they are at the moment and where they have been 15 minutes earlier. That’s so NOT sexy. Here’s one thing to remember. If you want others to like you, you’ve got to like yourself first.

You have a lot of free time while you’re apart. Use it for self-development! If you’re into dancing, take up some classes. I’m sure your boyfriend or girlfriend will appreciate your new moves. Whatever it is that lights you up, go for it. And if you’re in love with yourself in a good way, it will only benefit your relationships.

For more great college tips, check out the other blogs on College Basics.

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CB Community

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