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Planning to Go to College? Here’s What You Need to Do

Written by CB Community

Thinking about going to college is not only a choice but a decision for a lifetime. No matter what type of career path you choose to fulfill your vision of a brighter future, the deep reality of its journey lays on rather rational steps of a very well-designed plan.

College Basics provides a very diversified and far-reaching structure of possibilities, where potential and curious students-to-be can easily gather important information, not only about the expectations of several professions but realistic chances about long-term finances.

The site is breaking down the deal into four cardinal segments arching over such important stations as one’s existential attitude towards their future and dreams, to the rational financial possibilities to reach that.

Planning for College

Going to college is a big investment and we all expect that our college education will result in big returns. It is a journey indeed, but not only our well spent future years on the campus but the planning itself.

When someone is making a decision for such a long-term commitment, inevitably they have to do an honest soul search about their potential interests that may lead them to their unique path that can start sooner than they think.

One of the very outstanding features of this site is the purpose to involve parents too. Not only to help their children fulfill their dreams but also to create new platforms in their personal lives to get closer to one another, to know each other’s view on future scenarios, and what such a lifetime commitment could bring into their lives.

These situations, where parents are involved at such a deep level, can bring up questions about the future plan of the parents and children as a family and can clarify real passions and interests.

That is why we are helping you to prepare from the very early stages of the application. For instance, it takes into serious account the importance of SAT tests, but not only from the practical perspectives of higher scores and technical elements. It puts special attention on the emotional and mental pressures weighed on students during this period.

Many tips provided on the website about practices like avoiding stress, new ways to prepare themselves for dot tests, including timelines and writing examples, and other tests that clear out expectations.

Applying for College

Making a decision to go to college is just the starting point of the journey but there are essential things to consider before someone begins the application process.

This site collects a handful of advice, which could put some light on the questionable aspects, such as checking your abilities and the places your interests lie, envisioning yourself ten years down the road and so on.

When you made up your mind and you are ready to go into practical details the site provides you a ton of examples about how to make a college application, or several ways to easily improve your college application resume.

Again, there are some extra features in the website which can help you deal with the psychological aspects of this highly pressurized period, such as rejection and prolonged waiting time.

Also this website helps you clarify the long-term commitments of different professions you might want to choose for yourself in the future, for example understanding the steps to become a medical doctor, or everything you need to know about private vs. public universities in Europe.

Paying for College

Can you work and pay for college at the same time? How to afford tuition without the help of your parents? What are those types of student loans that are right for you?

These are just the first questions that could come to your mind when you think about the practical elements of your student years.

This site helps you go through the questions you wouldn’t think to come up with at such an early stage.

Many articles collect practical steps to stay in control of your student debt, providing long-term financial planning to reach the fastest way to pay back your loans even when it is reaching six figures.

Going to College

This section contains not only practical elements on how to handle big life-changing events like moving to another town but helps you navigate your social and private time on campus or free time downtown.

You can collect some important tips on renting a new home, planning a budget, managing your workloads, and expanding your horizons in your new life.

Many topics are available on how to improve your knowledge with summer school classes, guides to GRE exams, or online programs where you can earn your future degree for example in healthcare.

Also, the site puts extra attention to the current situation of the global pandemic and college life, highlighting the importance of technology.

Since being a college student is a choice, not a duty, students tend to put extra pressure and unrealistic expectations on themselves to achieve their best performance, which in some cases can lead to burnout.

The site offers endless advice on how to balance under these intense periods such as a healthy diet, effective ways of studying and relaxing and reaching out to fellow students building a strong and responsible social fabric on campus.

About the author

CB Community

Passionate members of the College Basics community that include students, essay writers, consultants and beyond. Please note, while community content has passed our editorial guidelines, we do not endorse any product or service contained in these articles which may also include links for which College Basics is compensated.