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Why Pre-workout Supplements May Be Good for Studying

Written by CB Community

Pre-workout supplements are often used by people who work out. Many gym-goers and athletes commonly take pre-workouts just before they exercise to boost their energy and get a better pump.

Because pre-workout supplements typically include ingredients like caffeine, they can actually be good for studying too.

Pre-workouts could help you to focus and stay alert, and enable you to get a good night’s sleep. Let us take a closer look at why pre-workout supplements could help you with your study time.

Pre-workouts Could Help You Focus

The caffeine content of pre-workouts is typically very high.

For instance, most pre-workout supplements contain caffeine anhydrous, among many other beneficial and natural ingredients.

Caffeine anhydrous is made from coffee plant seeds and leaves. Once harvested, caffeine is extracted from the plant and dehydrated. The meaning of the word “anhydrous” is “without water,” by the way.

Dehydrated caffeine is a highly concentrated caffeine powder, which means it not only can help with workout routine performance. It can also help you to focus better when studying.

Typically, the caffeine content in pre-workouts ranges from 150mg to 300mg per serving. That is much higher than a cup of coffee, which generally contains around 100mg of caffeine.

Many studies indicate caffeine may help you to focus, so it is certainly worth considering taking it to help you focus better during your study time.

One research study showed that those who had consumed the most amount of caffeine improved their spatial awareness, verbal memory, and reaction time.

Furthermore, many pre-workouts contain nootropics, which can also help you to focus better when studying.

Pre-workouts Could Help You Stay Awake and Alert

As you are sure to already know, not only can caffeine improve your focus. It can also help you to stay awake and alert.

If you have a lot of studying to get through, a pre-workout could, therefore, help you to stay alert. It all has to do with how the caffeine actually works.

Throughout the day, your brain sees a steady increase in the chemical adenosine, which basically informs your brain that you need to sleep. To tell your brain that your body needs to rest, the adenosine has to bind to adenosine receptors.

Because caffeine is chemically similar to adenosine, it can also bind to adenosine receptors. The difference is, caffeine does not tell your brain to calm down.

Instead, it results in your pituitary gland producing a spike in adrenaline. In turn, you can stay more awake and alert for longer to get through challenging study times.

Pre-workouts Could Contribute to Better Sleep

Contrary to the last point, pre-workout supplements could actually help you to sleep better, too.

To ensure that you remain focused and alert with your studying, it is vital that you get a good night’s sleep. Rest is crucial, and pre-workouts can help you get a better night’s sleep when you use them in coordination with exercise.

The logic is this: a pre-workout helps with more intense gym workouts. And the more intense your workouts are, the better you can sleep.

So, use pre-workouts as part of a regular workout routine to rest better, and use them during non-workout days to help you stay alert and focused when you need to spend hours studying.

Summing Up

Pre-workout supplements contain high levels of caffeine and other ingredients that can help you to stay alert and focused.

When studying, it is crucial that you remain both alert and focused, so you should consider taking pre-workouts to aid your study time.

And if you use pre-workout supplements as part of a regular exercise routine, you can sleep better too. That means you will be more refreshed and readier to study the next day.

About the author

CB Community

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