Admission News Graduation

After Graduation: When Do You Know It’s Time to Return to Studying At a Higher Level?

Written by CB Community

The cycle of learning starts early, and there is never really a definitive endpoint.

Even after graduation, sometimes that itch to continue studying and learn more bring students back from the workforce and ready to start a new career path.

If you have been considering further education in any field, from an online counseling Master’s to a data science degree, then here are some reasons to return to study at a higher level, as well as some signs you might be ready for that next step.

Finding a New Career Path

Starting a new career path is a great season to head back to university in pursuit of a degree or tertiary certificate.

Many choose to pursue a qualification straight out of school, and as we grow and experience different areas of the field and are exposed to other career trajectories, our initial plan will change.

If you find that you do not have the same love for your field that you once did, do some reflection to determine if these feelings are a phase or something you want to act on.

Returning to study to begin a new chapter of your professional life is a significant investment.

Widening Your Qualification and Experience

If your role has not evolved over a reasonable period, then you may be lacking the relevant qualifications to attain a more senior position.

Further education may mean acquiring a graduate diploma, a certificate, or even another degree altogether.

If there are people in and out of your workplace with job titles you are hoping to reach, then find out what qualifications they have to begin your research.

Another advantage to pursuing further education is that they can often include a work experience component or assignments that are geared toward real-world scenarios that you face in the workplace.

There are some professions with higher entry requirements, and a Master’s needs to be obtained.

For example, being a lecturer at a university requires at least a Master’s qualification.

Joining a Board or reaching a senior position where you are tasked with managing the safety of a workforce may also require specific qualifications and certifications.

Your Field Has Changed and Advanced

Technology has transformed our world, and many professions look very different from what they once did.

Further education is a great way to bridge the gap in your knowledge or experience and put you back on course to succeed in your field.

Health professions, like counseling, are a perfect example of why additional education is important as we learn new trauma-informed care and ways in which technology can assist.

Marketing is another example of a role that has transformed into an almost entirely digital landscape with traditional marketing channels no longer in practice.

You Are Looking for a Future-Proof Role

It’s never a bad idea to consider future trends and how they may impact your career trajectory.

There are some roles and even professions that are replaced by automation or consumed by other industries.

If you are working in a field that does not have strong job security, then returning to university or TAFE might be a strategic move.

You can take your time in applying yourself to a new field while still working, especially if you believe that your current profession isn’t in immediate threat of being redundant.

Higher education is flexible for professionals, and there are many part-time opportunities to study at a self-guided pace.

There are also countless productivity apps to assist you in keeping on track with your studies if you are anxious about returning to an education regimen after many years being graduated.


There is lots of research and consideration that goes into choosing a course to study.

The advantage to returning to education is that you have done it before, so you have a greater understanding of the expectations and how you can expect to complete the curriculum.

About the author

CB Community

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