Going to College Graduation

Five Myths about Graduating

Written by CB Experts

Well, college was a blast! But now it’s over and it’s time to start thinking about your graduation ceremony – and most importantly, what you’ll do after it.

While there’s a lot of benefits to a college education, there are some myths surrounding graduation – and graduating in general – that you might be surprised about. After all, it’s a big (and often pretty daunting) world out there and now you must deal with it without your tutors and classmates by your side – arghhh!

With that in mind, here’s what you should know…

1. Graduating College Doesn’t Mean You’ll Automatically Walk into a Job

You may have a shiny degree to show for your years of hard work at college (you might even have yours displayed proudly on your wall in a diploma frame) but it isn’t necessarily a passport to your dream job. True, a college degree will certainly stand you in good stead; after all, many employers won’t take a candidate on if they don’t have the relevant educational background. But you’ll need much more than a degree to succeed in your chosen career.

A positive attitude, a willingness to learn and a real commitment to the role and the industry are all things that will stand out in your interview, so make sure you don’t sit back and rely on that degree to secure that job for you.

2. You’ll Be Lifelong Friends with Your Classmates

We hate to break it to you, but this isn’t always the case. Time apart and location differences can mean even the strongest of friendships are put to the test. Like any good relationship, a great friendship requires work. Social networks make it so much easier to stay in touch, so make sure you reach out to college friends as regularly as possible. If getting together is tough, organize a twice-yearly or annual reunion? It’ll give everyone something to look forward to away from the stresses and strains of the 9am to 5pm life.

3. ‘It’s All Downhill from Here…”

As much as it can be tough to adjust to post-college life, your day-to-day routine from here on in is entirely what you make it. People will tell you your college days are the best of your life – and that may be true for most. But it doesn’t have to be true for you. Make your post-college days some of your most exciting yet by grabbing every opportunity that comes your way – you’ll regret it if you don’t.

4. Living with Your Parents Again is Awful

True, you’ve been used to a certain level of independence at college – and you certainly won’t get it when you’re living with Mom and Dad. But that doesn’t mean everything about moving back into your family home has to be hard-going. Respect your parents’ rules and they’ll make life easier for you in return. It’s not all doom and gloom, you know. Instead, see it as a chance to save some much-needed money for your next big move – a new apartment of your own or a stint traveling – and enjoy having your meals prepared for a little while. After all, it won’t last forever.

5. “It’s Not What You Know, It’s Who You Know”

So, this one’s true to a certain extent; it’s almost a cruel fact of life that those college graduates who know someone influential will get along better in life. But it’s not all about who you may or may not know. Why not put the steps in place to get to know the right people? Connect with industry experts on Twitter, or add big players in your chosen industry on LinkedIn. It’s all about making your own luck post-college – and it all starts right now!

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CB Experts

Content created by retired College Admissions consultants.