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How to Deal With Homework Stress

student looking stressed while doing homework
Written by CB Community

For some, stress is an inevitable part of homework, and the education system in general. Sometimes, this stress can even transfer to the parent or adult tasked with assisting the child with their schoolwork. This particular type of stress may be more evident to some parents and students, as they might be more prone to developing it. It is important to deal not only the stress symptoms, but with the problem as well.

Homework stress can be harmful too, making students depressed, tired, and building negative feelings towards the whole concept of studying. This can, unfortunately, lead to tragic consequences, such as suicidal thoughts. Homework can stress students out for many reasons, the most prominent being the amount of assigned work, the degree of difficulty, and the expectations placed on them. These students are told that homework is incredibly important for not only their success in the school year, but in their eventual careers as well. The truth is that studying is essential, but it is only one of the factors that determine your success in school, and your pursuits thereafter. Generally, homework is not worth skipping sleep or meals, as doing this can have an effect on your physical and mental health.

Sometimes, stress due to homework can transfer to the adult family life of people who have not opened textbooks for years, whose new duty in life is to help their children with their own homework, and that can get stressful as well. Parents can become outraged because homework from their kids’ math class makes no sense, or a science project just can’t be put together, no matter how hard they try. Some parents can become more devastated than their kids when it comes to homework. The amount of stress a twelfth-grade student trying to write a 600-word essay on the book he or she never read can be overwhelming. Especially if the due day is tomorrow, and there are only 10 hours before the class.

Though there is no guaranteed way to completely rid yourself of stress, there are ways of overcoming some aspects of homework induced stress. Read on for some tips on stress management, and find a solution that works for you.

Time Management

Good time management may not solve all of your problems, but it can go a long way when dealing with homework related stress. Scheduling homework might sound minor, but it can help those who have trouble remembering their assignments and due dates. Most homework induced stress starts from missing deadlines and feeling rushed while working on assignments. Keeping track of the time spent on individual tasks, as well as keeping a timeline of when assignments are due may help ease your stress.

Use a Clean Workspace

Before you begin working on an assignment, ensure there are no potential distractions in your workspace. It could be a phone, clutter on the desk, toys, or anything else that could take your time and mind away from the task to hand. It is proven that loud noise, splashes of color, and cluttered space causes more stress, therefore decluttering table may help you to concentrate.

Ask for Help

Don’t hesitate to ask professor question about assignments. Sometimes stress is caused by the fact that the task is too difficult, and hard for you to understand. Getting some extra assistance from your professor may help you better understand the topic and further your ability to complete the project. Most professors are willing to help – it’s their job, after all – and they can explain the parts of the assignment that are difficult for you.


Don’t forget to rest when you start to feel overwhelmed. Mental and physical exhaustion is a common side effect of stress, and it is important to deal with it when it comes up. Great ways of resting include taking a nap, going on a walk, dancing, cooking a nice and nutritious meal, exercising, and spending some time on a hobby. While resting from homework, avoid spending all the time on your phone or computer, it is best to do something active and interactive.

Talk it Out

Talk to someone you trust about the stress you’re feeling. Sometimes, you just need a little bit of support to feel better, and discussing homework stress with your parents, relatives, or friends could be very therapeutic and helpful. Talking about your feelings is an excellent way of dealing with any kind of stress, not just homework induced.

Keep Calm

In the face of all this stress, it is important to remember to stay calm. Stressing about each individual assignment is not healthy, and can be harmful to your mental health. Though achieving perfect grades through college is indeed possible, it may not be worth it if you are putting your mental and physical health in danger. Focus on creating realistic and tangible goals for yourself, and remember that one grade does not define your future.

These are just some of the many ways of how you can deal with homework stress. The fact is that for some, stress still will always be a part of the studying process. All that can be done is to find tactics to deal with this stress that work for you. If you can manage this, you may find your workload less stressful, and you may actually enjoy your work!

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CB Community

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