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College Student Social Media Influencers: 4 Ways to Improve Your Video Content

Written by CB Community

Recently, a significant number of people on social media and other avenues are consuming content through videos, and many influencers and corporations woo their audience through videos.

Hence, as a content creator, you may want to grow your audience for many reasons, but you cannot do so with poor video quality.

And, as a college student with a busy schedule, you may not have the time to trial-and-error your process!

This post will share some straightforward steps on how to improve the video content you intend to share with your audience.

1. Know Your Audience

The first step toward optimizing your video content is to make a video that appeals to your audience’s interests.

To determine the type of content that appeals to your viewers, use the following tips:

  • Use social media analytics to find top-performing topics in your niche and recreate them.
  • Ask your audience what topics they would like you to discuss in the future.
  • Find out what your industry peers are doing.
  • Consider the tone and style.
  • Consider what questions they might have about your topic, answer them in your video, and tailor your content.

Quick pro tip: You may use a professional editing tool to combine video and images to create a more compelling video for your content in seconds.

2. Consistently Brand the Videos

Your digital branding is just as important as the content you make. It is important to know that whether you are creating videos randomly or they are professionally scripted, your videos need consistent digital branding.

This is essential because it will assist your audience in recognizing you when they come across a video you have created.

This will also instill a sense of professionalism, which will, over time, build trust in your audience.

One way of branding your videos is by using branded colors and fonts in your video clips.

This will make your video’s content look professional and help people remember your brand.

3. Make the Topic of the Video Clear

When making a video, it is important to make the topic clear from the beginning.

This can be done by introducing the topic in the video’s title, using interesting thumbnails, or through a short description before the video begins.

Additionally, it is essential to ascertain that the video’s content is focused on the chosen topic and that any tangents are kept to a minimum.

Finally, concluding the video by summarizing the main points covered is helpful. This will help viewers to understand the video and to remember the information that was presented.

4. Tell Stories With Your Video

Viewers love engaging stories, especially if your target audience is on social media.

Whether you are talking about college life or another relevant topic, here are some tips:

  • Start with a strong opening. Grab the viewer’s attention with an interesting opening scene or shot.
  • Create a narrative. A good story has a beginning, middle, and end. Make sure your video has a clear arc.
  • Use visuals to tell the story. In addition to the video footage, consider using other visual elements like photos, graphics, or animation to help tell the story.
  • Edit for maximum impact. How you edit your video can make or break the story. Choose your shots and transitions carefully to keep the viewer engaged.
  • Add a soundtrack. A well-chosen soundtrack can add a lot of emotion and atmosphere to your video.
  • End with a bang. Leave the viewer with a strong final image or scene.


When optimizing your content for better audience reception, it is important first to know your audience, so you can make content that fits them.

You can also use a consistent digital branding strategy and remember to make the topic of the video clear.

Lastly, tell stories with your videos for better reception among your audience.

About the author

CB Community

Passionate members of the College Basics community that include students, essay writers, consultants and beyond. Please note, while community content has passed our editorial guidelines, we do not endorse any product or service contained in these articles which may also include links for which College Basics is compensated.