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Tips to Get Yourself Motivated to Study

college student in blue sweater standning in front of chalk board with flexing muscles drawn on it
Written by CB Community

Tomorrow is always the best time to study and commit to important things for people who like to postpone changes. However, not many of those who live with plans to start a new life tomorrow can achieve the desired goal in real life. These are questions that everyone has to face. How can I find the right motivation for studying? Where did all the enthusiasm and interest in learning go? Why is homework no more than a formality? The main thing is not that they arise but how we react and respond to them.Start taking steps to learn with the right motivation.

These tips will help you to begin and effectively complete any class.

1. Think about your smart friends

Learn with the same eagerness as your smart friends to motivate yourself to study. Feel free to ask the teacher a lot of questions if you do not understand something because this is how you motivate yourself to study even more. Ask your smart friends for help too.

2. Where is the Horizon?

You must always see the “horizon” for the goal for which you are learning. Don’t make your goals too far fetched and unattainable.  This is just setting you up for failure and will demotivate you.

3. Make a clear timetable

Have a timetable for studies and reward yourself with something at intermediate stages. If you learned three paragraphs out of six scheduled for today, it’s time to walk for half an hour, eat a couple of your favorite chocolates or call friends.

4. Does studying bore you?

If studying for you is utterly boring, then the system of sketchnoting might help you. Sketchnoting is to make not only notes while studying but to make“mental cards” that are understandable only to you. Add some funny pictures, emojis or you can order stickers from online companies like Sticker You that you can stick on notebooks.

5. Are you an aesthete?

Aesthetes are motivated with ideal order in the workplace, beautiful stationery, and even a bouquet of their favorite flowers. It is difficult to enjoy your studies if you make a note with a pencil stub in an old newspaper and “chaos and anarchy” surrounding you. Also, if you need a long time to reach your learning goal, you can put motivating wall decals right in front of your desk.

6. Comfortable conditions

Creating comfortable conditions for studying will help motivate you to earn new achievements. Ensure maximum comfort (even if it means wearing your favorite nightwear with the owls on it). Make sure nothing distracts you from your studies. If possible, get away from the noisy family living next door, and make sure your mobile phone is set to do not disturb. And don’t forget to put a bottle of water and some snacks next to you, otherwise, there is a risk that you will notice that TV on the way to the fridge.

7. Don’t waste time

Thinking about what wonderful and interesting things you could do if you had not devoted time to study is extremely counterproductive. Instead, think about all the amazing things your education will allow you to do in the future. That could a place you’ll be able to visit, people you’ll be able to meet, differences that you can make etc.

8. Do not create “rush jobs”

Don’t create “rush jobs”. If you don’t want to always hate studying, it’s time to slow down. If you need to write a lecture on Friday, then it is better not to start it at 11 PM on Thursday. It is better to divide the amount of work into two or three evenings. Do not try to learn everything in one day – set real tasks but strictly follow them.

If you can answer the following questions honestly,  you will likely increase your motivation to study.

Why are you studying?
What new skills will you gain from studying?
How will succeeding in your studies change your life?

To read more great tips regarding all things college, check out the other blogs at College Basics.

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CB Community

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