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Top 5 Ways For Students To Make Extra Money From Home 

Written by CB Community

When you’re in school, it can be hard to find time for a job.

We know how important it is to have a well-balanced life while in college and this can be hard to achieve between classes, homework, and your social life, it seems nearly impossible to work too.

Nevertheless, bills still come, and you have to find a way to make money.

Luckily, the internet provides many work-from-home opportunities that are suitable for students. These opportunities will get you money, are flexible for your schedule, and can potentially boost your resume.

Read on to learn about the top 5 ways for students to make extra money from home:

Top 5 Ways To Make Money From Home

1. Online Tutoring

As a student, you are an expert in all things studying and homework. You should take advantage of this fact by signing up as an online tutor.

Although some sites will require you to already have a degree, others do not.

Look at sites like Tutors or Upwork for peer tutoring opportunities near you.

Not only is this opportunity great for making money, but it can also boost your resume!

2. Freelancing

Freelancing has been one of the most popular ways to make money online for years.

Websites like Upwork, Fiverr, or Freelancer are great places to find many freelance writing, editing, programming, marketing, or designing opportunities.

Simply signup for the site, complete your profile, and start looking for jobs. In addition to making money, freelancing is a great addition to your resume.

3. Blogging

Blogging can be a fun and engaging hobby, but did you know that you can make money with it?

Many bloggers supplement their income with affiliate marketing, which is when you partner with another organization, advertise their products on your blog, and receive a percentage of any sales generated from your site.

4. Online Surveys

Many websites will pay you for taking their surveys, and they only take minutes to finish. In fact, you can make money on your way to class through online surveys.

One of the best websites for making money from survey-taking is Branded Surveys. To make money with Branded Surveys, all you need to do is sign up, verify your identity to get matched with relevant surveys, and gain points through survey-taking until you can cash out.

5. Social Media Influencer

Since you are in college, it is assumed that you know all about social media and working as a social media influencer

In case you don’t already know, though, social media influencing allows you to make money by sponsoring products on your social media accounts.

If you love social media, have an eye for promotional posts, and have a large social media following, consider becoming a social media influencer for money.

Final Thoughts

Being in college is hard, and it might feel impossible to make extra cash on top of your other responsibilities.

Luckily, tutoring, freelancing, blogging, taking surveys, and becoming a social media influencer are all great ways to make extra money without adding too much stress to your already stressful life.

Now you can make extra money and save more money for your future goals.

About the author

CB Community

Passionate members of the College Basics community that include students, essay writers, consultants and beyond. Please note, while community content has passed our editorial guidelines, we do not endorse any product or service contained in these articles which may also include links for which College Basics is compensated.