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Get Ahead of Your College Studies With These  Easy Techniques

Written by CB Community

Studying and college go hand-in-hand. Taking the material you are assigned and committing it to memory is what helps you retain and use that knowledge.

Many students find themselves overwhelmed when it comes to hitting the books.

College students can feel pressure from upcoming assignments, research papers, and exams. Because of this, depression can run rampant.

Thankfully, there are ways that you can reduce your anxiety when it comes to studying, such as taking occasional breaks and becoming active in the college community.

Once you’ve familiarized yourself with ways to reduce your feelings of anxiety towards studying, you can begin learning ways to optimize your learning habits.

The goal is to retain as much information as possible without overloading yourself.

Don’t Waste Time Re-Reading

Something to keep in mind is that reading is not considered studying. You can re-read information multiple times, but you still may not remember it.

This is because your brain enjoys problem-solving!

A great way to work your brain is to create problems that require you to work out a solution.

This may not work with every class, but some engaging studying techniques can include creating maps, developing lesson guides, and taking on the role of teacher and ‘teaching’ your own class.

These hacks engage your mind and are more stimulating than simply reading and re-reading the same content.

Study Less

You read that right! No one wants to spend countless hours with their nose in a textbook.

To get the most out of your material, you should be studying less but with increased intensity.

It’s not easy to re-read the same material for hours on end, but perhaps you aren’t dedicating your entire concentration to studying, or there are subtle distractions that are inhibiting you.

If you turn off background music or limit external stimulation and lean in on what is in front of you, you may find that you retain far more in an hour of focused study than in a few hours of distracted study.

Some other ways you can make the most out of your intense studying are:

  • Split up your studying: Instead of spending hours on one topic in one day, space this out over the course of a few days. It can be easy to forget information, so you may have to work hard to regain it by practicing it for more than one day.
  • Self-quizzing: Many students get chills at the thought of any sort of testing, but self-quizzing works for you and not against you. You will create your own test. The quiz you create on your own is tailored to what you think you need to work on. As you build the quiz, you are already beginning to retain the information, and putting the quiz into action will really help the information sink in.
  • Try paraphrasing: Another tried and true way to remember material is by repeating it. A great way to do this is to imagine you are explaining the information to a child by paraphrasing it in easy-to-remember terms.

Color-Code Your Notes

Those highlighters will be useful, after all!

Studies have shown that warmer colors can inspire positive feelings toward studying and facilitate excitement with the learning materials.

Try adding these colors to your written notes:

  • Red: Key points
  • Yellow: Important information

A helpful tip with color coding your notes is to highlight only what is necessary. If you color everything, it loses its meaning!

Flex Your Muscles Before Your Brain

Incorporating exercise into your everyday routine is not only beneficial for your physical health, but it’s great for your mental health as well!

Exercise gets your blood pumping and increases your brain function. It can help improve your memory as well as your cognitive performance.

You will likely also enjoy the endorphins your body releases, which are hormones that boost your mood and reduce your cortisol (stress) levels.

Have Fun!


As we talked about previously, you need to take care of yourself mentally, physically, and, let’s not forget, emotionally.

When you are in college and under the constant pressure of assignments and papers, it’s important to blow off steam sometimes.

A great way you can do this is by scheduling fun activities with friends or classmates!

What could be more fun than a group trip to a local museum or an afternoon of relationship-building through delicious food?

Instead of requesting multiple ride-share services, you can book a private shuttle bus service to get you and your group wherever you need to go.


College is a time for you to venture out, explore new opportunities, and discover who you are.

Along with self-discovery, you’ll also experience true responsibility as you are now in the driver’s seat of your own life.

While in college, you must choose how much time you dedicate to your studies and your personal life.

Studying is crucial to learn your material, but be sure to work smarter and not harder.

About the author

CB Community

Passionate members of the College Basics community that include students, essay writers, consultants and beyond. Please note, while community content has passed our editorial guidelines, we do not endorse any product or service contained in these articles which may also include links for which College Basics is compensated.