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Tips to Create a Successful Teacher Instagram

Written by CB Community

Teaching methods never stop evolving – the way teachers choose to teach, their teaching styles, and how they want their students to feel about what they are learning.

Like everything else is changing and adapting to the technological revolution, teachers must also adapt. That is where the idea of a teacher’s Instagram came from

Previously, modern teachers used to upload their classes on YouTube. Now, they post on Instagram.

This article will discuss three tips for creating an Instagram teacher account that will be useful for both teachers and students.

Pay Attention to the Name of the Account

The name is important, and you might not get it right the first time.

It is better to use your real name or the name your students and their parents know them by. It is also good if you want to put their specialization in the account’s name but do not utilize things like grade levels and alliterations.

It can be related to your specialization and what you teach. It can also be something related to your targeted audience or their niche.

It will be good to check and see if anyone else already has an account by the chosen name to ensure people are not confused or have difficulty finding you.

Go to search on Instagram and type the desired name. If there are no results, use it. If there are, consider changing it, adding, omitting, or choosing a completely different one.

Doing a Google search for the name to see if any blogs are using it is an extra step that guarantees individuality, especially if having a blog is something you have in mind for the future.

Pay Attention to What You Write In Your Bio

The bio is the first thing people check on the account, besides the picture, of course, and by reading the bio, they should know what the teacher teaches and a bit about the teacher themselves.

For example, the state where you, your specialization, what activities you love to do, your hobbies, and links to all the other sites you have.

Other teachers may choose to write in their bio who they are and how they can help other teachers or students.

Keep it neat and professional without saying much about your personal life.

Adding links to articles you wrote or videos you featured in is also good to let followers get to know you and your work better.

A pro tip to get the bio to look a certain way is to type it in the Notes App on the phone and then copy and paste it into the bio – this lets it be more organized and clearer.

Another pro tip to get the algorithm to adjust to the account for business is to create a business account right away.

If you choose to change it later, the algorithm may hide the feed, leading to fewer people seeing your content.

Post Consistently and Focus On Creating Good Content

Creating a posting schedule will make things much easier for you!

Since teachers already have a lot to worry about and their plates are always full, consistently posting may seem like a heavy-duty chore they do not want to do, and that is where the posting schedule will come in handy.

It lets you plan posts in your free time to post them when you find it appropriate.

Scheduling and planning posts will allow teachers to spend more time doing what they like instead of being caught in the rush.

Increasing engagement is the thing that will ensure the success of your account. It is the most important factor in reach and exposure.

Use captions and hashtags to increase engagement, post about things the students will interact with, and do interactive activities with the audience.

Posting on stories can increase the following.

You don’t have to worry about how to design the story attractively since there are many topics on the internet to help them find ways to edit Instagram posts, which will make your mission much easier and save you time.


Creating a successful teacher account goes through many steps – others come after the three we mentioned.

Please pay attention to details, answer the followers’ every need and demand and keep engaging with them.

And most importantly, when starting the account, do it for the right reason and do not copy other teachers’ styles.

About the author

CB Community

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