Admission News

Financial Aid for International Students

Written by CB Experts

Most financial aid for attending a U. S. college is restricted to American citizens and green-card holders, and most financial aid packages are based on federal taxes paid in the U. S.  However, there is financial aid available to international students who want to attend a college in the United States.

There is not a lot of aid available, but what is available varies from college to college.  The best aid packages are from

  • need-blind colleges and
  • need-based colleges that are private school and well-endowed.

Other aid is available

  • through scholarships, mostly merit and
  • colleges that have dedicated funds to encourage international attendance

If you are an international student you should

  • be in direct contact with colleges and/ or read their websites for financial aid and international student information,
  • be prepared to share bank information for you and your family that is translated into English, and
  • contact the College Board for the International version of the CSS Profile form.

About the author

CB Experts

Content created by retired College Admissions consultants.